- VOL. 22 NUMBER 2 DEC 2022
- Edited By : Dr. Santosh Kumar Binding: Paperback Publisher : Cyberwit.net
- Contributors

Happy New Year! Welcome to the latest December 2022 edition of TMR. This issue includes poems, haiku, short stories by some of the most impressive modern and postmodern authors. In choice of theme, and approach, the poets selected for this edition reveal the breadth of intellect and wisdom. The poems in the latest edition of TMR are written in a language notable for clarity of expression and precision.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2022 was awarded to the French author Annie Ernaux “for the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory.” Congratulations to her for receiving the prestigious honor.
It is good to remember these wise words of Adrienne Rich: “I guess what concerns me always is the need for a field, a rich compost, for any art to flourish. But however isolated or unheard you may feel, if you have the need to write poetry, are compelled to write it, you go on, whether there is resonance or not.”. John Milton always wrote when he was ‘compelled to write’. Paradise Lost was written during his blindness.
Despite intense suffering and loss of eyesight, Milton avoids overinsistence on mood of sorrow in the following lines. He makes them live; and they live by virtue of his religious fervour, imagery and passionate feeling:
So much the rather thou Celestial light
Shine inward, and the mind through all her powers
Irradiate, there plant eyes, all mist from thence
Purge and disperse, that I may see and tell
Of things invisible to mortal sight.
I shall be failing in my duty if I don’t express my gratitude and thanks to the poets and creative artists whose immense cooperation and
kindness encouraged and inspired me in this task of editing the journal. Thanks again.